Friday, April 6, 2012

Is This The Canadian Dream?

Here's an article from Toronto Standard by Erene Stergiopoulos about our beautiful city and the amazing ways in which it changes and grows. And, of course, some of the people that celebrate it (including this project!).

Saturday, February 25, 2012

the TTC

Photos by Elena Bilenky-Iourtaeva

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Year-long exposure of Toronto skyline

Check out this article in the Star! Hopefully it will inspire you photographers to capture the city through your own unique perspective.
Photo by Michael Chrisman

Friday, January 20, 2012

Folk Songs of Canada Now

Part of this project is telling stories. The means and media we use to do that are vast and varied, but good stories, whatever they may tell, inform our conceptions of our culture, of who we are. We need to explore our own stories in order to understand ourselves. We need to delve into our history and folklore, our songs and pictures, in order to get a sense of the spirit of the city around us. And, ultimately, knowing those stories may help us get a better sense of the world around us too.

This is a website devoted to Canadian folk songs: It features songs collected form across the country, all of which are available to download for free from the website. Hopefully it will inspire you to seek out all the wonderful stories in your own backyard. Or, better yet, to tell your own.